
Sunday, April 26, 2015

MPLS RSVP Path protection

Hello everyone! In today's article I will show failover configuration and I am going to show a several example of failover in the next articles. We leave the current configuration L3VPN for testing and will add the server (Centos) is connected to the router CE1. On the server will use the script "pretty ping" because the failover time is measured in milliseconds.

Monday, April 20, 2015


Hi there! Today I'll show how to configure most common service based on MPLS in ISP. Let suppose that the router CE1 and CE4 geographically dispersed sites and we should to connect their. We have already built the scheme and we only add configuration of protocol BGP and configurations CE1 and routing-instance ISP2 (CE4).
So it will look like on our scheme:


Hello everyone! Today I'll show you how to build MPLS RSVP LSP. As I told in a previous article, I will modify our scheme and it will be shown two paths, one by one router (green), the second through the other (blue).

Sunday, April 19, 2015

MPLS and building MPLS LDP LSP

Hello everyone! I have long wanted to start writing articles about MPLS. In this series articles there will be no theory that can be found on the Internet, only practice, only hardcore :)
I have a lab server with a hypervisor ESXi 5.5 and and built the virtual network to test the functional MPLS. As routers I've used a virtual product from Juniper Networks called Firefly Perimeter (vSRX).

An example of the construction of the network - all simply: